Tag Archives: Benefits of cooperation for the people of Indonesia








Jl. Siswa, Kel. Talete 2, Kec. Tomohon Tengah, Kota Tomohon, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara


All the glory and honor is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, the source of all wisdom and knowledge because of the love and mercy, a writer can complete this paper. This paper was created as a English final SMA Kr. 2 (BINSUS) TOMOHON.

This paper can be arranged thanks to the help, encouragement, guidance and prayer from various prayer from various parties. For it with full sincerity authors thanks:

  • Principal Dra Martha E. Lantang
  • Teachers and school staf administration
  • Friends of students, both younger class or one class, also for writer best friend. Thank you for help and support that given during prepation this paper.

Thanks for support and affection from Father, Mother, Sister, and my Dear “Stefryan Mambu”

Who has been big role in praying and motivation to achieve success writer.

May the Lord Jesus Christ is the source of all blessings and love pleasing reply with abundant blessings.

Finally, the author realized that the writing of this paper is not immune from is shortage. Source minds of all parties are expected to get better results. Hopefully, this paper is useful for those in need. GOD BLESS



Cooperatives are business organizations owned and operated by people of a common interest. Bases of cooperative activities based on the principle that people’s economic movement based on the principle of the family. Cooperatives serve as an economic tool to
welfare of the people. Cooperatives also have a major role in
national development. As a joint venture which has a principle
kinship, cooperation must be managed with the principles of management appropriately. Because it is so important that there is cooperative. therefore, the authors formulate the problem “ What are the benefits of cooperatives for the daily life? ”

The purpose of the study for the final fulfillment of the English language, to describe the state of the cooperative Indonesia, to clarify the role and benefits of cooperation for the people of Indonesia, and to illustrate the impact of cooperatives for the public.

The method used is interview, observation, and literature study. Based on the results obtained from co-operatives in Indonesia increased from year to yearand is necessary for economic prosperity.


            Keyword       : Cooperatives,  principle of the family, Indonesia




1.1         BACKGROUND

According to the World Bank, the country of Indonesia is one of the poorest countries in the world. It could be said that poverty is widely spread in every corner of the island, there are millions of Indonesian people who live below the poverty line. The poor are in a vicious circle of poverty, most of them living without hope or vision for the future. However, to most people poor, had no way out of poverty, namely the credit union. More and more people achieve a better life with this credit union system.
Cooperatives are organizations where people who have a relatively homogeneous interests come together to improve their welfare. This concept is applied to seat the cooperation as a strategic business entity for its members in achieving the economic goals which in turn have an impact on society at large. In the agricultural sector for example, the role of cooperatives in the past quite effectively to encourage increased food production especially in the sub-sector.

During the era of the 1980s, especially the Village Unit Cooperatives cooperatives are able to position itself as an institution is taken into account in national food procurement program. Viewed from the side of food production, especially rice, the role of significance can be observed in terms of distribution facilities and services ranging from production of fertilizers, seeds, medicines, up to the marketing of grain or rice. Nevertheless in terms of consumption, availability of food for consumers is often a subject of conversation for the assurance of quality and quantity are not always met. Meanwhile, in the country have been various changes in line with the ongoing era of globalization and economic liberalization and the condition carries serious consequences in terms of food supply.

Conceptually economic liberalization by handing control of the economy to the market mechanism was in practice not necessarily automatically siding with the weak economy or small communities. Relatively identical conditions took place in the food sector and is estimated as not well-organized production and distribution system in anticipation of the changes that have occurred. Bulog previously dominant role in food procurement and buffer base price, but now that the lack of food packets credit scheme through cooperative credit scheme and the abolition of fertilizer subsidies the food supply is almost entirely left to market mechanisms.

As a result, the role of cooperatives in agricultural development and food security increasingly meaningless. Difficult Even if there are observers who argue that governments no longer have the concept and development of cooperative programs that clearly support the position of cooperatives in the national food security. Before the crisis (in 1997) there are around 8427 cooperatives that handle food availability, whereas in times of crisis (in 2000) a decline into 7150 cooperatives (Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, 2003). These facts reveal a reduced number and role of cooperatives in the field of food, though so few cooperatives have to innovate service models in the field of food such as rice bank, barns, and centers of rice cultivation. Other facts show that during the last three years (2001 2003), there is a gap between rice and maize production with consumption needs to be addressed by imports. As a result, food security in the country today face the threat of a serious downturn. Food security is the fulfillment of conditions and the availability of adequate food quantity and quality and affordable by households. The concept of food security is emphasized in the context of supply (supply side) that is inseparable from the process of distribution and marketing to the consumers door. Starting from these empirical conditions, there were thought to revisit the cooperative role in supporting national food security, particularly in the rice sector. Therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ministry KUKM) considers it important to do a strategic review of the role of cooperatives in supporting national food security.
Of the many books and articles, the system was already successful credit unions in Indonesia, and can be successful. In addition, the purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the procedures overall savings and credit cooperatives, negative impact, positive impact, benefits and problems as well as efforts to resolve the problem. Apparently there are a lot of money with little benefit to members; credit unions could support members, the purpose of the study was to determine the role and mechanism of microcredit system in Indonesia in this credit union.


  • What is the meaning of the cooperative?
  •  What are the benefits of cooperatives for the daily life?
  •  How the implementation of the cooperative in Indonesia?
  • What is the impact of development cooperation for the development of Indonesia?
  •  How cooperative followers country comparisons based on the principle of the family and the followers of the cooperative is based on the principle of the family?

1.3         GOALS

  • For the final fulfillment of the English language
  • To describe the state of the cooperative Indonesia
  • To clarify the role and benefits of cooperation for the people of Indonesia
  • To illustrate the impact of cooperatives for the public

1.4         BENEFIT

Benefit from this paper are:

  • Find out the meaning of the cooperative
  • Find out how to embrace the role of the cooperative principle of the family
  • Understand the role of cooperatives practiced in daily life

1.5         METDHOLOGY

In opus collation writers this in order to gets all information and needed data by writer and also for gets to water down writer in arranges opus to write it, therefore thereto writer used the methodic already in a general way used by researchers which other. It’s very essential cause peer method without available method therefore writer will be hard deep arrange opus to write it, even opus writers this have no information sharpness so to the effect of opus collation writers this don’t will be reached with every consideration. And method that utilized by writer to back up makings and opus collation writers this for example is :

  • Interview

Interview’s method that writer utilizes to constitute firs method to get data and information by interview school and society child that is at living

region vicinity of writer with used time readiness from each source.

  • Observation

Observation method constitutes to second method in order to writer gets data. On this observation’s method writer arranges watch on inside news and outside country that each other concerning.

  • Literature Study

On method this constitutes one method utilized by writer in opus collation writers this. Literature study’s method constitutes to method that more accurate and easy deep look for data or needed information and needed data. On this literature study’s method writer a lot of take material or information via world virtual or frequent one to be called by accesses internet, meanwhile with used binds books writer in its exploit so circumscribed.


Chapter I

1.1       Background

1.2       Problem Identification

1.3      Goals

1.4       Benefit

1.5       Methodology

1.6       Systematics writing

Chapter II

2.1       Birth of the cooperative
2.2       Definition of cooperative
2.3       The type of cooperative
2.4       Symbol of Indonesia cooperative
2.5       Increasing Importance of Cooperation in Social Welfare

2.6       Implementation of cooperatives in Indonesia

2.7       The impact of cooperatives for the development and progression of  Indonesia
2.8       Benefits of cooperation for the people of Indonesia

2.9       Comparison with a cooperative in Indonesia and cooperatives outside of  Indonesia

Chapter III

3.1       Conclusion

3.2       Suggestions



            Modern cooperatives that developed today was first born in England, namely in the city of Rochdale in 1844. Cooperative arise during the development of capitalism as a result of the industrial revolution. At first, Rochdale cooperative effort established by the provision of consumer goods for daily use. However, due to the accumulation of capital the cooperative, the cooperative started his own to produce goods to be sold. Activities result in employment opportunities for members who do not work and increase incomes for those already working. In 1851, the cooperative was finally able to set up a factory and set up housing for its members who do not have homes. The development of cooperative in Rochdale strongly influence the development of cooperative movement in the UK and outside the UK. In 1852, the number of cooperatives in the UK has reached 100 units. In 1862, formed Center for Cooperative Purchasing with the name of The Cooperative Whole Sale Society (CWS). In 1945, CWS has managed more than 200 factories with 9,000 workers. See the development of cooperative efforts in both the production and trade sectors, leaders then opened the CWS representatives abroad such as New York, Kepenhagen, Hamburg, and others.
In 1876, the cooperative has expanded efforts in transportation, banking, and insurance. In 1870, the cooperative also opened a business in the field of publishing, a newspaper published under the name Cooperative News. The Women’s Guild Coorporative formed in 1883, a large influence on the development of cooperative movement, in addition to the rights of women as housewives, citizens, and as consumers. Several years later, the cooperative started activities in the field of education by providing a place to read newspapers and libraries. Library cooperative is the first free library in England, as well as used to place the various courses and the eradication of illiteracy. Then the Women Skill Guild Youth Organization set up a center that is Cooperative Union. In 1919, founded the Cooperative College in Manchester is the first cooperative institution of higher education.
The industrial revolution in France also encouraged the establishment of cooperatives. To be able to face the onslaught of British industry, the French tried to replace the machines used in modern engines which resulted in an increase in unemployment. These conditions encourage the emergence of cooperative pioneers in France as Charles Fourier and Louis Blanc.

Charles Fourier (1772-1837) develop an idea for improving the lives of people with fakanteres, an association consisting of 300 to 400 families who are communal. Fakanteres built on a land area of approximately 3 miles to be used as a place to live with, and surrounded by agricultural land area of approximately 150 acres. In it there are also efforts to craft and other efforts to meet the daily needs. The township board is elected from its members. Fourier ideals are not successfully implemented due to the influence of liberalism is very large at that time.

Lois Blanc (1811-1880) in his book Labour Organization develop his ideas more concrete, saying that competition is a source of economic deterioration, poverty, moral decay, crime, industrial crises, and national conflict. To fix this, need to set up social work-shop (etelier socialux). In this group, the individual producers who have the same business together. Thus, the association is similar to the cooperative producers. In 1884, workers in France demanded the government to implement the idea of Lois Blanc to set up cooperatives, but the cooperative went bankrupt.
In addition to these countries, cooperatives are also developing in Germany who pioneered Ferdinand Lasalle, Friedrich W. Raiffesen (1818-1888), and Herman Schulze (1803-1883) in Denmark and so on.
In the course of history, the cooperative to grow and develop into all the world in addition to other business entities. Half a century after the founding of Rochdale Cooperative, along with the development of cooperatives in various countries, the pioneer of the cooperative agreed to form the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA-International Cooperative Alliance) in the first Congress of the International Cooperative in 1896, in London. With the formation of ICA, the cooperative has become an international movement.
Abroad or in western countries, the cooperative was set up to anticipate market inequities. Meanwhile, the Indonesian cooperative was born and developed in colonial times that function was limited to a meeting of its members.
Cooperatives were first introduced in Indonesia by R. Aria Wriatmadja in Navan town, Central Java in 1896.

He set up a credit union that aims to help people who were in debt to loan sharks.
At the time of the Dutch colonized Indonesia, the cooperative has not happened since :
1.         There is no better socialization and education by government

2.         There are no laws governing cooperatives.

3.         Formation of cooperatives feared abuse by the political.
In 1942, Japan invaded Indonesia. Japan went on to establish cooperative named kumiyai. At first cooperative formed by Japan is running smoothly. But, gradually changed its function. Kumiyai a ‘weapon’ Japan to benefit and oppress the people of Indonesia.
After independence, the first held in Tasikmalaya Cooperative on July 12, 1947. This date is then set to Day of Cooperatives Indonesia.


            Cooperatives are business organizations owned and operated by people of a common interest. Bases of cooperative activities based on the principle that people’s economic movement based on the principle of the family.
Cooperative literally from English coperation consists of two syllables:
– Co = together

– Operation = work

So the cooperative means working together, so any form of cooperation can be called cooperative.

Cooperative is a collection of people to work together for the common welfare. Under Law No 12 of 1967, Indonesia is a cooperative economic organizations and the social character of the people who composed the people, corporate bodies that are cooperative economic order as a joint venture arrangement based on the principle of the family.

Here below are the foundation underlying the Indonesian cooperative cooperative activities  in Indonesia.
– The cornerstone ideal rights = Pancasila
– Platform for Mental = Faithful friend and self awareness
– Structural foundation and motion = UUD 1945 Pasal 33 Ayat 1
Foundation, Principles, and Purpose Cooperative Indonesia as regulated in UU 25 Tahun 1992 about Cooperatives, said that the cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities with a basis of cooperative activities based on the principle of cooperation as well as the movement of the people’s economy is based on the principle of the family.
Understanding basic understanding of the Cooperative:

An assembly of people, including legal entities who have similar interests and goals. Joined voluntarily become members and have the same rights and obligations as a reflection of democracy in the economy. Costs and benefits borne and enjoyed together in a fair, surveillance conducted by the members, having the nature of helping each other, to pay a sum of money as the principal savings and deposits required as a condition of membership. Actually, a definition that despite many similarities, but the people who put pressure on one of its elements. It depends on the difference in the lives of palsafah viewpoint that suggests about the Cooperative, as a complement to the understanding of cooperatives according to UU No. 12/1967  (the first laws of the Cooperative Indonesia), including:
Ø  Dr.C.C. Taylor

He is an expert on sociology of science, can be expected to review his is a review which considers that the Cooperative is a sociological concept. He said there are two basic ideas of cooperatives that are important in understanding the sociology of cooperation.

Basically people prefer a relationship with another person directly.

Community relations are preferable to personal relationships. Human (people) prefer to live with the salig favorable and peaceful than the competition. In accordance with Taylor’s view of the cooperative societies are perceived as more people than the association of capital, apart from the point of view ETHICAL / religious and ECONOMIC standpoint.
Ø Intenational Labour Office (ILO)

According to the ILO definition of co-operative are as follows: Cooperation is an association of persons, usually of limited means, WHO have joined together to voluntaily Achieve a common economic and through the formation of a democratically controlled organization businnes, making equitable contribution of the capital required and eccepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking.
The above definition of the elements comprising the following elements:
–  set of people

– Characteristically voluntary

– Have a common economic goals

– Organization of a democratically-controlled enterprise

– A fair contribution to capital

– To bear the losses with and receive equitable benefits.
Ø Margaret Digby

Writing about “The World Cooperative Movement” said the cooperative is a cooperative and ready to help, is a private business but there are differences with other private enterprises in terms of how to achieve its objectives and the use of tools.
Ø Dr. Fay C.R

A union with a common goal attempt which consists of those who are weak and always cultivated a spirit of selfless way. So that each can fulfill their obligations as a member and get rewards comparable to the level of their relationship with the union.
Ø Dr. G. Mladenata

In the book “Histoire des Doctrines Cooperative” suggests that a cooperative made up of small producers who are members of producers voluntarily to achieve a common goal, to collectively exchanging services and bear the risk of working together with the sources that contributed by the members.
Ø H.E. Erdman

His book “Passing Monopoly as an aim of Cooperative” suggests the following definition; cooperative serving members, the range of services in accordance with the kinds of cooperative members’ meeting to decide the basic policy is also to appoint and remove trustees, administrators responsible for running the business and may appoint employees to carry out the policy received from the members’ meeting. Each member has the right to one vote in the annual members’ meeting. Participation of members take precedence over the capital to be included. Members pay the principal savings, mandatory and voluntary. Cooperatives also possible to borrow capital from the outside. Cooperatives pay the interest on the loan in accordance with the applicable limit is in accordance with the high prevailing in society. SHU (Business Profits), the amount paid to members in accordance with the service member. In the case of a failure, the members are only responsible for the cooperative simpananya

Ø Frank Robotka

His book entitled “A Theory of Cooperative” menyakan that American writers guild writers generally accepted ideas about the following cooperatives: cooperatives are a form of business entity whose members are customers. Cooperatives are organized, supervised and owned by its members who work for their own benefit their business practices in accordance with the principles of Rochdale. Cooperative is an opposite of competition is that the member is more cooperation than competition between them. Cooperative associations capital and not the pursuit of profit, other business entities are not cooperative and tried to give priority to capital gain. Membership cooperative based on an individual basis rather than on capital.
Ø Dr. Muhammad Hatta

In his book “The Movement in Indonesia”, he argued that the cooperative is a joint effort to improve the lot of the economic livelihood berdasarka please help. They are driven by the desire to give service to the friend “one for all and all for one” is what is called Auto Activity Group, consisting of: Solidarity, individuality, self-help, honestly.


*        Based on the type of cooperative attempt at :

In general, the cooperative efforts can be divided into several types, namely co-operative production, consumption cooperatives and credit unions.

1).       Cooperative Production

Cooperative production of a type of cooperative that consists of people who can produce goods with the aim to facilitate and improve their production output. In other words, the cooperative is run by making the goods, then sell them together.

Typically, the members of production co-operatives have a business. Through production cooperatives, the members of this cooperative marketing assistance and capital.
2).       Consumer Cooperatives

Consumer cooperative is a type of cooperative that provides day-to-day for its members, such as the need perabotrumah appliances, food, clothing, and so forth. Consumer cooperatives run their business together in the economic field.

Consumer cooperative was formed with the aim to assist, educate, and serve for the welfare of their members. Thus, any member can purchase a variety of consumer goods of good quality, but cheap and affordable prices.

3).       Credit Unions

Credit union or credit union is a type of cooperative that was founded with the intention of helping its members by way of lending money or credit. Loans or credits granted to the members is accompanied by a mild interest. The money that is lent to the productivity or welfare of its members.

In addition to providing loan funds, credit unions also contain deposits of its members. For those members who save or meninjam funds will be awarded compensation for services. The amount for those services determined by a meeting of members.

*        Based on the cooperative membership:

Types of cooperatives based on the membership there are many. However, the following will only describe three examples of this cooperative grouping.

1).       Village Unit Cooperatives

Cooperatives is a type of cooperative whose members are rural communities. Cooperatives formed by bringing together several small agricultural cooperatives, and many in the countryside.

Village unit cooperatives (KUD) conduct or activities of rural economic activities, especially agriculture.

Therefore, a common activity performed not far from the agricultural cooperatives, such as providing fertilizers, seeds, agricultural tools, pest eradication of drug crops, agricultural and technical counseling.

2). Cooperative School

Cooperative School is a type of cooperative whose members are citizens of the school, the teachers, staff, and students. Cooperatives of this type are in the school environment alone. Cooperative school was held in order to advance the welfare of its members, as well as society.

Cooperative schools have activities to provide for the needs of its members, such as stationery, notebooks, textbooks, food, and so forth. With the existence of cooperatives, students, teachers, and all school staff can learn how to learn and revive the cooperative.
3). Cooperative Market Traders

Cooperative market trader is a type of cooperative whose members consist of the traders in the market that work together. The cooperative was ready to provide adequate support and guidance to its members. In fact, they are ready to practice the discipline of its members to repay their loans because they are well aware that only with a good return will open opportunities for other members.

*        Sources of Capital Cooperative

The cooperative capital consists of equity and loan capital.

a).       Own capital

1.Principal savings

2. Mandatory savings

3. Reserve fund

4. Grant

b).       Loan capital

            1. Members and prospective members

2. Other cooperative / member based on a cooperation agreement between the cooperative

3. Bank or other financial institution

4. Issuance of bonds and other debt

5. Another source of legitimate


  1.  Shielding                  : hard efforts taken continuously. Only the hard-working people who could be candidates to meet some requirements.
  2.  Chain                         : family ties, unity and a strong friendship. That members of a  cooperative is a cooperative owner, then all members become friends, united in the family, and fellow members are binding law is designed as the Articles of Association / Cooperative Bylaws. By jointly agree to obey the Articles of Association / By-Laws, the Rice and Cotton will be easily obtained.
  3.  Cotton and Rice       : The prosperity of cooperative members in particular and people in general are cultivated by the cooperative. Cotton as the base material and clothing (apparel), and rice as the basic ingredient of food (food). The majority have called wealthy, prosperous if adequate clothing and food.
  4. Scales                         : Social justice as one of the co-operative basis. Usually be the symbol of law. All Members must be fair and balanced cooperation between the “Chain” and “Rice-Cotton”, the “obligation” and “Right”. And the balance was in the Star Shield.
  5.  Stars                          : In the shield in question is the Pancasila, is an ideal cooperative. That the cooperative members to heed the good thing is that the values of confidence and trust, who listens to his conscience. Shield could mean “body”, and Star can mean “heart”.
  6. Banyan Tree                          : Symbol of life, as trees in the Mountains puppets designed by Sunan Kalijaga. Timber called a tree branch. Scales and star in the Shield into the life that must be upheld.
  7.  Indonesia Cooperative       : Cooperative which is a cooperative referred to the people of Indonesia, other countries are not cooperative. Governance and good-overseas cooperative power is also good, but Indonesia as a nation must have its own value-system.
  8. Red and White Colors         : Red and white logo background which illustrates the nature of Indonesia’s national


Cooperatives increase the welfare of its members. Profit earned is distributed to members in the form of Business. The full importance of cooperatives in improving people’s welfare can be seen in the objectives, benefits, principles, completeness, and the capital of the cooperative.

  1. 1.      Cooperative goals

Cooperatives aimed at improving the welfare of its members. This is achieved by the distributions of business to its members. The purpose of this cooperative to distinguish cooperative with other business entities. In general, other corporate aims to obtain maximum profit.

  1. 2.      Benefits of Cooperation

Here are some of the benefits of cooperatives:
a. Meet the needs of its members with relatively low prices.

b. Makes it easy for members to obtain venture capital.

c. Provide benefits to its members through the balance of the (SHU).

d. Develop a business cooperative members.

e. Abolish the practice of loan sharks.

3.  Cooperative principle

According to the UU No 25 tahun 1992 Pasal 5 mentioned the principle of cooperation, namely:

1.         Membership is voluntary and open. A voluntary membership open to all who are willing to use the services of his services, and are willing to accept responsibilities of membership regardless of gender.

(Membership is voluntary and open)
2.         Oversight by the Democratic members. Members who are actively setting policy and making decisions. Men and women chosen as the administrator or supervisor is responsible to the members’ meeting. In primary cooperatives, members have equal voting rights (one member one vote). On the other tiers of democratically managed cooperative.

(Conducted in the Democratic Management)
3.         Members’ participation in economic activities. Members to deposit their capital in a fair and democratic supervision. Much of the capital is owned together. If there are fringe benefits to be given limited capital. Members of the SHU to allocate some or all of such purposes below:

-Develop cooperative. How to establish a reserve fund, a portion of the funds will not be shared.

-Distributed to members. The way they are balanced by trnsaksi the cooperative.
-Support other activities as agreed in a meeting of members.

(Of net income division conducted fairly and in proportion to their business services masung members)
4.         Autonomy and independence. Cooperatives are autonomous and independent organizations that are supervised by members. In any agreements with outside parties or in, the conditions must still ensure democratic oversight efforts of the members and maintain their cooperative autonomy.

(Independence of the limited provision of remuneration to capital)
5.         Education, Training, and Information. The aim is to enable them to perform tasks more effectively to the development of cooperatives.

Cooperatives provide information to the general public, about the nature and benefits of cooperatives.

(Cooperative education)
6.         Cooperation among cooperatives. By working together local, national, regional and international cooperative movement can then serve their members effectively fibers can strengthen the cooperative movement.

(Cooperation between cooperatives)

7.         Concern for the community. Cooperative activities for the sustainable development of the surrounding community through a policy decided by the meeting of members.

(Provision of fringe benefits are limited to capital)

  1. 4.      completeness of the Cooperative

Cooperative arrangement of the following:

a). member
Cooperative members include:

1. Individual, that is, those who voluntarily become members of the cooperative.

2. Cooperative legal entity, a cooperative that are members of cooperatives that have a broader scope.

b). cooperative management

Cooperative management elected by the members at a meeting of members, cooperative management tasks, managing the cooperative and its members,

filed a cooperative workplan, and prepare financial statements and accountability.

c). Supervisory Cooperation
Supervisors assigned to oversee the cooperative of cooperatives.

d). Meeting of Members

Meeting of members to be the holder of the highest authority in the cooperative. Meeting of members be done to hold accountable officials and supervisors in the management of cooperatives. Meeting members also set a basic budget, approve work plans, set the distribution of SHU, and choose to appoint and remove officers and supervisors of the cooperative.
5. Sources of Capital Cooperative

The cooperative capital consists of equity and loan capital.

a).         own capital

1. principal savings

2. mandatory savings

3. reserve fund

4. Grant

b).        loan capital

1.Members and prospective members
2. Other cooperative / member based on a cooperation agreement between the cooperative

3.Bank or other financial institution

4. Issuance of bonds and other debt

5. Another source of legitimate



Development cooperation is quite encouraging progress as measured by the number of cooperatives, the number of members, assets and business volume.

In the present co-operative experience in general business and institutional developments mengairahkan. However, the cooperative still has many obstacles to its development as a business entity. This needs to gain attention in the development of cooperative efforts in the future.
The role of cooperatives in Indonesia’s economy most can not be seen from:

(1) position as a major player in economic activity in various sectors,

(2) the largest provider of employment,

(3) a significant player in the development of local economic activity and empowerment,

(4 ) created new markets and sources of innovation,

(5) a contribution in maintaining the balance of payments through exports. The role of cooperatives, micro, small and medium enterprises is very strategic in the national economy, so it should be the focus of national economic development in the future.

Empowerment and sustainable cooperatives are expected to be able to harmonize the national economic structure, accelerate national economic growth, reduce unemployment, reduce poverty, mendinamisasi real sector, and improve the distribution of incomes. Empowerment of cooperatives will also enhance the achievement of objectives in education, health, and other indicators of well-being of the people of Indonesia.

Difficult to realize that true security, if people live in poverty and high unemployment. Difficult to realize a true democracy, if there is economic inequality in society, as well as legal justice difficult to achieve mastery of productive resources if the inequality is still very real. Thus it can be said that the role of cooperatives, among others:
1. Build and develop the potential and economic capacity and especially members of the community at large to improve the economic and social welfare.

2. Participate actively in efforts to enhance the quality of human life and society.
3. Strengthen the people’s economy as the basis of the strength and resilience of the national economy.

4. Strive to realize and develop the national economy which is a joint effort on the principle of the family and economic democracy.

At this time the cooperative development received less attention due to lack of cooperation demonstrated performance and a better image of the sebelumnya.Keadaan this is one proof that the government’s commitment is still lacking in the development of cooperatives. Development is a process that must be sustained and tersistem. The next question on how the prospects of future cooperation is highly come prospective .The answer if the cooperative that has identity. The practice of cooperative principles and cooperative efforts within the organization. Cooperatives as business entities, organizations and business activities should be based on the principles of cooperative. Because is the guiding lines used by cooperatives to their values in such practices

(1) voluntary and open membership,

(2) control by members of a democratic,

(3) the participation of member economies,

(4) education, training and information,

(5) cooperation between the cooperative

(6) concern for the community.
If the cooperative is able to implement his true identity, the cooperative will be independent, able to compete with other eonomi force, capable of producing products that suit the needs of the market at home and abroad. Seen from a legal basis as stipulated in the 1945 Act, the Cooperative acquired the rights to life and development in Indonesia. Cooperatives that have been built for this amount is quite large. This amount is an asset that must be nurtured and empowered to develop to help the government to fight poverty and provide employment. If it is still a lot of growing cooperatives have not been able to achieve the common goals of its members, they must be empowered through education. Education is a conscious effort to improve the ability to understand and apply identity. This is where the role of third parties including the government to be able to build them achieve their goals both as a mediator, facilitator and as a coordinator. Thus, development cooperation should continue, because the development is a process, takes time and perseverance and consistency in the implementation, continued to address all the problems that arise such as poverty, unemployment. that more and more.
Development of a national cooperative in the future is expected to show significant improvement in quality, but still weak. It required a strong komiten to build a cooperative that is able to help themselves in accordance with the cooperative identity. Only a cooperative that develops through the practice of carrying out the cooperative to be able to survive and be able to provide benefits to its members. Prospects for cooperation in the future can be seen from the large number of cooperatives, the number of members and the number of managers, the amount of capital, business volume and the amount that has been collected of net income

cooperative, very prosfektif to be developed. Model of cooperative development in the future has to offer is adopting successful cooperatives such as credit cooperatives, other cooperatives and savings and loans and Problem Solving Model Development in accordance with the conditions of the cooperative as a cooperative institutional arrangements inactive and active co-operatives do not carry out the RAT. To empower the cooperative which has been running well and is off to build the education system and should be implemented terorgniser konsesten to develop organizational, business and compete with one other. The  business cooperative values that do not exist in other organizations that need to be implemented and developed.

Because the cooperative development is a process requiring a long time, konsestensi, commitment and patience are quite high. Cooperatives can not be built in a short time and partial.


Cooperatives have a relationship with the regional autonomy as the driving force of economic behavior and economic movement. In one example, cooperatives provide to the public that is useful to help the people of Indonesia’s economy.

Examples of other activities is to develop financial services in developed and developing co-operative credit institutions, credit cooperatives and savings and loans.

While it has a cooperative relationship with the era of economic liberalization. free trade is already in globalization. Economic globalization has occurred and has caused the impact and the opportunities and challenges for cooperatives Indonesia.

The implications of free trade will bring a positive impact on regional and national development, open trade and investment can increase revenue and national and regional economic growth.

But the negative impact is only possible if it is not being efficient in responding to opportunities arising from the existence of free trade, there will be changes because of the pressure of globalization, to obtain the development of a conducive business climate there is absolutely conducive to cooperative policy.

The role of governments in developing cooperatives life is very important. The government’s role the following:
1. Get climate conducive to growth and development of cooperatives

2. Ensure the availability and feasibility of the market price for the product of cooperative
3. Creating organizational and professional cooperative management

4. Providing capital

5. Providing information about the awareness of cooperatives in the community
With the government, the cooperative will go smoothly. And the cooperative will run and fulfill its function as an interference cooperatives .The us skilled and experienced people, the cooperative will run flawlessly and achieve goals.

So cooperative society can prosper and will stabilize Indonesian economy in the presence of activity in the cooperative activities.





The main purpose of the cooperative is meeting the needs of life of its members, by organizing economic activity together. Collectivity is the strength of the cooperative. Forward the resignation of a cooperative is determined by how well its members maintain that the collectivity. Collectivity is the social capital that are necessary to achieve progress. However generally the people’s economy-sized and small-cap, if they unite, they will be strong.
The most visible benefit of the collectivity that is savings. For example, members of consumer cooperatives, would cost less to acquire an item than he bought it from outside the cooperative.

Another benefit is the increase in value added. Example, an item whose price is low then increase in value due to the use of certain production equipment. In the state alone can not hold the producers of the means of production because the price is not affordable.

But after the cooperatives, they were able to hold it, because the price of expensive production equipment became affordable to be shared. In order to maintain the spirit of this collective, cooperative guided by seven principles in his quest. First, openness, that anyone can become cooperative members regardless of religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, and other differences.
Secondly, justice, the distribution of economic benefits among the members shall be in accordance with the frequency of the members use the services of the cooperative, rather than based on the proportion of capital in the cooperative members. In other words, in a cooperative, every economic results in accordance with its business. The more frequently utilize the services of members of the cooperative, meaning that the more diligent in his work, the greater the economic results obtained. A passive member will not get anything. This principle is in contrast to capitalist principles based on the set of capital.
Third, respect for humanity. ‘Work’ as a form of humanity, should be more appreciated than the ‘capital’ as a form of property. In a cooperative, this principle is enforced by limiting the profits of stock invested in the cooperative members. With this principle, the influence of wealth is limited, but not, to influence the work. Members to benefit from comparable cooperative work, not the capital which he kept in the cooperative.

Fourth, the autonomy, the members have full control of which direction and how the cooperative effort organized. Autonomy is another form of independence or freedom. Independence or autonomy regard freedom as a fundamental part of human life. It is not in capitalistic enterprise, in which the employers have generally freedom only, while the workers are bound by various rules that must be fulfilled, which often rules that demean their humanity.
Fifth, freedom of expression or desire. The cooperative principle is called the one person one vote. This principle does not mean that all decisions are taken by voting. It is precisely the tendency in the cooperative, one person, one vote principle is implemented through a consensus agreement involving all its members. This situation can only be true if there is equality. In none of cooperative labor and employers. There is only the fellowship of equals to organize economic activity together.

Sixth, member education, education is to instill positive character traits such as the nature of diligent, persistent, active in innovation, solidarity towards each other, as well as the other characters needed to progress, as well as education to sharpen insight and expertise in managing the cooperative members.
Seventh, active cooperation amongst cooperatives. Efforts to achieve economic recovery is bound to face many challenges. The more severe the challenge will be increasingly difficult to deal with alone. Therefore, a cooperative must close ranks and develop a solid cooperation with other cooperatives. Rather than the opposite, that is broken to-sides, let alone competition to bring down each other, because it is not a cooperative spirit.




As an economic movement that unites the people of the weak economy, the cooperative has helped build the country’s economy – the world’s countries both developed and now co-operatives in the country berkembang.Bahkan countries – developed countries not only as a small economic unit again, however, has evolved into an economic unit large, strategic and have a competitive edge with the company – a large-scale enterprises.

Likewise in Indonesia, cooperatives into one economic unit that had a major role in the prosperity of this country since colonial times until now. Only the development of cooperatives in Indonesia despite the rapid but fairly decent pekembanganya sepesat not in the country – developed countries, is due to several things:
1. Cooperative member participation rates are still low, is due to the socialization that has not been optimal. Communities that are members of cooperatives are limited to know only to serve customers as usual, both for consumer goods or loans. This means that people do not know the essence of the cooperative itself, both capital and systems of systems kepemilikanya. They do not know very well that the consumer cooperatives also means the owner, and they are entitled to participate in contributing suggestions for the improvement of his cooperative and is entitled to supervise the performance of the board. Such a situation is certainly very susceptible to misappropriation of funds by the board, because without the participation of the members had no control of its own members to the board.

2. Cooperative management is not professional, it’s a lot happening in the cooperative members and managers of cooperatives that have low levels of education .. For example a lot going on KUD. KUD the postscript in remote areas. There are so many who go bankrupt because manajemenya KUD unprofessional both in its governance system, in terms of human and financial resources. Often there are many cooperatives only to a point where corruption fund managers are a lot of government funds flowed. Because of this, many KUD be judged negatively and abbreviated Oldest Lucky Chair.
3. Government is too indulgent cooperatives, is also a strong reason why Indonesia is progressing forward cooperative. Many cooperatives assisted by government funds without any oversight of fresh funds to the grant. Nature of its support was not required to be returned. Of course this is not to help educate, co-operatives to be “spoiled” and not just wait for further assistance independent of the government. In addition to this disadvantage as well as government assistance will make the cooperative could not compete because the canal continues to be a parasite state. Government should disburse its assistance with a good monitoring system, although the form of grant funds do not need to be returned. With supervision and assistance will help the cooperative to be more professional, independent and able to compete.

Various examples of partnership activities in Korea as a manufacturer KIA and Hyundai could not be separated from the role of cooperatives manufacturer of automotive spare parts and their components. Thus, the dependence between big industry and the cooperative is partnershipyang good relations and mutual support.

Similarly, the activities of the automotive industry in Japan Honda berpatner with industry associations of the people who came together in a cooperative.
In Japan, for example co-operatives were even able to compete with large retailers such as Carrefour, Hypermart etc. Why? Because the Japanese consumer cooperatives using member-based management concept is not just based on the customer.

Thus, improving the people’s economy through the cooperative is to increase the potential for small scale industries which are gathered in a cooperative into a small industry and become a formidable partner to match the large industries that have been experienced. Such a pattern is what will be the center of gravitybagi strong community economic growth.

In line with the idea of the existence of the development
cooperatives, in conditions of economic crisis, globalitation / today’s world of economic liberalization, efforts to encourage and increase public awareness in cooperative development is very important. The participation of the citizens as economic actors is necessary in order to achieve the goals of macro-economic development of the national economy is healing. It is based on the premise that development cooperation can no longer simply rely upon funding from the government, especially with the current government’s financial condition is getting narrower as more rely on borrowing from abroad.



3.1       Conclusion

Cooperatives as a form of business organization is the people’s economy
a social nature. Cooperatives serve as an economic tool to
welfare of the people. Cooperatives also have a major role in
national development. As a joint venture which has a principle
kinship, cooperation must be managed with the principles of management

Cooperatives are organizations where people who have a relatively homogeneous interests come together to improve their welfare. Cooperative arise during the development of capitalism as a result of the industrial revolution. At first, Rochdale cooperative effort established by the provision of consumer goods for daily use. Bases of cooperative activities based on the principle that people’s economic movement based on the principle of the family.
In general, the cooperative efforts can be divided into several types, namely co-operative production, consumption cooperatives and credit unions. Symbol of Indonesia cooperative as a  shielding, chain , cotton and rice, scales, stars, banyan tree, Indonesia cooperative, red and white colors. So that cooperatives increase the welfare of its members. Profit earned is distributed to members in the form of business.

3.2       Suggestions

  • Cooperatives in Indonesia should not be extinct, because a lot of benefits that we can take to use. Hopefully with society cooperatives to prosper because it is one of the goals of the Cooperative